Sunday, September 20, 2009

McCall, September, 2009

Just want you to know we have moved up. This is the flying boat we took to McCall. Next we will have our own jet, but this will do for now.
Our kids will remember these sandals, bought in McCall at Sprouse-Reitz, for $2.00, so long ago that we can't remember. (at least 20 years)
This is a picture of Randy on our way last year to what we thought was going to be a wonderful trip-not! (He was 25 lbs, heavier here.)

Here he is 25lbs. lighter! Isn't that great?

This is one of the old trilers that belongs to a group called "Sisters on the Fly".They travel to gether and have these kind of trailer that are being restored. This lady has a western theme, and has it fixed up just adorable. Of course, why wouldn't she--she owns a HUGE antique shop.

For one of our breakfasts', Randy decided to make some camp toast---oh, excuse me, it appears that he made some butter with a tiny bit of bread under it!
This was our first time camping up at "Ponderosa". We went there many times when the kids were growing up. We pulled it up this time with Steve's pick-up. It appears we are on our way to the water!!

Yes, I guess we were. Isn't it jusst beautiful? It was a little bit later in the day so there weren't many people around. We kind of liked it that way! Look at that beautiful blue sky.

This was our beautiful camp spot. They told us it would mostly be empty, and when we got there it was all full except for two spots. It had been 100 degrees in the valley, so everyone headed for the hills. Nice and secluded, huh?
Who is that handsome guy there? I think I'll ask him for a ride!

This is the next morning. We had another great day. We were just getting breakfast ready and so Randy went out and made a fire. It makes it small so good!!!
From this close up picture , I think this "ugly broad" just got out of bed. Those eyes are a wee bit too puffy!!
On the way through town, we stopped at the public beach. It is called "The Rotary Park Beach". It was quite calm and nice, so we decided to wade for a while.

The 2nd night there, we ate out at a really good place called the "Toll Station". All in all, we had a wonderful time, and want to do this every weekend, or more. Not likely, but we hope to go up again before it gets cold.

Yea, McCall!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Too slow

We were going to tell about our trip to Washington, but Verlee has beat us to it. So now we can just enjoy reading and looking on her blog. We are really happy she did it. She is a wonderful daughter-in-law.